Chief Carpenter currently serves as the Police Chief and Fire Marshal for Park City Municipal Corporation. Additionally, he serves as the President of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association, Utah Chiefs of Police liaison/Board Member for Special Olympics Utah, and International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Tactical/Patrol Homeland Security Committee. Chief Carpenter is ultimately responsible for all aspects of Police, Dispatch Communications, and Record Services for Park City, UT. Chief Carpenter formerly served as a Public Safety Director, Police Chief, Fire Chief, Iron Metro S.W.A.T. Commander, and Interim Town Manager.
Over the past 24 years he has created opportunities to promote and deliver professional police, fire, emergency medical service, and animal control to the citizens and guests that he and his various staffs have served. During his diverse career, Chief Carpenter has served as a contract evaluator for the State of Utah Department of Homeland Security, Incident Commander, Emergency Operations Coordinator, and Section Chief and Public Information Officer for several Incident Management Teams that include: The Southern Utah Floods, Park City Dynamite, Removal Operations, N1H1 Swine Flu Emergency Operations Center, and multiple State and Federal wild land fires.
Chief Carpenter graduated from Bellevue University’s (Police Administration) Baccalaureate Program and holds an associate’s degree (Criminal Justice) from Southern Utah University. Wade feels that his greatest accomplishment is the relationship that he shares with his wife, Stacy, and their two children, Jackson and Shelby.